Andrea Tuch
10  year  Mo Sister
hall of fame


Target: $360
raised $12,857 since 2015
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health

I worked for Movember for close to 7 years so I know first-hand about the amazing work that they do in the areas of mental health & suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. I am a Mo Sister for Life & this cause will always be close to my heart. We need to keep helping men be better versions of themselves. Not only for them but also for the other people in their lives. Movember’s mental health programs do just this. My passion for men’s mental health runs through my veins and I hope I can continue to make a difference here in Perth WA.

How I'm
getting involved
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
10 Week(s) Ago
I swam 2 km00:59:00

Ocean swim, in the beautiful Indian Ocean

Previous year's activities
10 Week(s) Ago
I swam 2 km00:59:00

Ocean swim, in the beautiful Indian Ocean

Previous year's donations
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Philip Tuch

We are proud of your ongoing effort with Movember and everything it stands for. Love Phil and Rene Tuch

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Philip Tuch

We are proud of your ongoing effort with Movember and everything it stands for. Love Phil and Rene Tuch

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Saj Dissanaike

Good work Andi!

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Saj Dissanaike

Good work Andi!

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
ARB 4X4 Accessories

As we are nearing the end of the hairy season. ARB 4X4 Accessories is chipping in another $10 to your efforts

10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
ARB 4X4 Accessories

As we are nearing the end of the hairy season. ARB 4X4 Accessories is chipping in another $10 to your efforts

10 Week(s) Ago
I walked 8 km01:00:00

Another long walk

10 Week(s) Ago
I walked 8 km01:00:00

Another long walk

10 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 km01:00:00

Another Pilates class, really getting back into it

10 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 km01:00:00

Another Pilates class, really getting back into it

10 Week(s) Ago
I swam 2 km

A longer recovery ocean swim for the body and soul

10 Week(s) Ago
I swam 2 km

A longer recovery ocean swim for the body and soul

10 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 2 km00:30:00

A meditative restorative Hatha yoga practice

10 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 2 km00:30:00

A meditative restorative Hatha yoga practice

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 3 km01:00:00

Hour long Yin yoga, challenging myself

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 3 km01:00:00

Hour long Yin yoga, challenging myself

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:30:00

Recovery ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:30:00

Recovery ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 4 km01:00:00

Second pilates class, getting back into it :)

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 4 km01:00:00

Second pilates class, getting back into it :)

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:45:00

Ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:45:00

Ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 2 km00:45:00

Hatha Yoga practice, good for mind, body and soul

11 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 2 km00:45:00

Hatha Yoga practice, good for mind, body and soul

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:25:00

Sunset ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:25:00

Sunset ocean swim

11 Week(s) Ago
I walked 10 km02:00:00

Long sunset coast walk for the body and soul

11 Week(s) Ago
I walked 10 km02:00:00

Long sunset coast walk for the body and soul

12 Week(s) Ago
I swam 4 km03:00:00

Recovery ocean swim and walk

12 Week(s) Ago
I swam 4 km03:00:00

Recovery ocean swim and walk

12 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 3 km01:00:00

First Pilates class in a very long time. Ouch

12 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 3 km01:00:00

First Pilates class in a very long time. Ouch

12 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km

Soul enriching ocean swim

12 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km

Soul enriching ocean swim

12 Week(s) Ago
I walked 10 km02:00:00

The longest ever sunset walk w a great friend

12 Week(s) Ago
I walked 10 km02:00:00

The longest ever sunset walk w a great friend

13 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:15:00

Sunsetmoonrise Indian Ocean cold dip for the soul

13 Week(s) Ago
I swam 1 km00:15:00

Sunsetmoonrise Indian Ocean cold dip for the soul

13 Week(s) Ago
I walked 5 km

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Andrea Tuch

We need to keep helping men be better versions of themselves. Not only for them but also for the other people in their lives, especially women. Movember’s mental health programs do just this. My passion for men’s mental health runs through my veins and I hope I can continue to make a difference here in WA.

13 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 km01:00:00

Tough yoga class

13 Week(s) Ago
I swam 2 km

Great ocean swim

62 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Liam O'Connor
62 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Philip Tuch
62 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Total Tools

Thanks for your donation! We want to help you support Movember - here’s a little bit extra towards changing the face of men’s health

65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Hannah Pierce
65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Liam O'Connor
65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Joji Mori

Happy Movember Andrea!

65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Simon Hawkins
65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Robert White
66 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Andrea Tuch

10th Movember, here we go!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.