Too many people in the world, including myself, have dealt with losing those to suicide, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or depression/anxiety daily.
Due to mental health reasons in the past, I have dealt with self-harm and have also tried to take my own life multiple times, and am grateful every day now I didn’t. My mental health isn't perfect, it's a constant rollercoaster, but trying is always the better option than not.
We also lost our best friend Liam to suicide a few years ago, so the need to create these conversations, in men especially, about seeking help is something etched into many of our brains (and millions of people worldwide also). This was also the reason why we started Chewin the Fat, to raise funds and create those localised conversations with friends. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems (although they don’t seem it). Men, young men especially, are less likely to seek help for their mental health sadly. The stigma of talking about one's mental health as being ‘unmanly’ needs to stop, as everybody can struggle with their mental health, it isn't bias.
You can’t control your thoughts a lot of the time, but you can try to control how you speak to and look after yourself. Just because it’s a thought and sound in your head doesn’t mean it’s true. You matter so much, and things can get better. Look after your mental health please, and to those around you. Seek help if you need and always remember you are loved by someone. Xx