Jonathan Janssen
1  year  Mo Bro


Target: $1,800
raised $1,111 since 2024
My motivation

As someone who has survived the depths that Mental Health struggles can plunge one into, this topic is very close to me heart. I am putting myself out here, with almost three years sobriety behind me, to let you know that you can come out the other side, it all starts with a conversation.

I'm raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives, while remembering those who lost their battle with this disease. I need your help. Please donate to support men's health.

How I'm
getting involved
Team Challenger “Men’s Health Matters”
Team captain Thanu Rodrigo
$250 Team funds raised
0 of 260 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
Your feed

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1 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Samuel Benda
1 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Samuel Benda
Previous year's activities
5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .32 km00:06:00

Previous year's posts
5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .32 km00:06:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .3 km00:12:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .3 km00:12:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .22 km00:09:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .22 km00:09:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .34 km00:08:53

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .34 km00:08:53

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .27 km00:08:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .27 km00:08:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .23 km00:08:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .23 km00:08:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .24 km00:06:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .24 km00:06:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .16 km00:02:44

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .16 km00:02:44

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .29 km00:06:55

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .29 km00:06:55

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .34 km00:09:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .34 km00:09:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .26 km00:06:53

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .26 km00:06:53

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .13 km00:05:20

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .13 km00:05:20

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .11 km00:07:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .11 km00:07:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .19 km00:08:00

5 Week(s) Ago
I walked .19 km00:08:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .35 km00:07:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .35 km00:07:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .26 km00:06:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .26 km00:06:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .2 km00:06:18

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .2 km00:06:18

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .35 km00:05:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .35 km00:05:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .23 km00:08:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .23 km00:08:00

6 Week(s) Ago
I walked .2 km00:06:00

Previous year's donations
6 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GK Solutions Pty LTD

Well Done from the GK Team

Previous year's posts
7 Week(s) Ago

Hey Jonathan
It’s Amanda here from MoHQ. I wanted to personally reach out and thank you for supporting Movember this year. Thousands of Mo’s such as yourself have answered the call to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. You've done a ripping job & thank you for helping us across the hairy season & taking on the big issues facing men re mental health, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
United we Mo!

8 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Simon Abrams
11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Russell Benda

The good side is best.

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Dee Mo
11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Paul & Joanne Janssen

Very proud of you

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Chen Kleiner

ShMerty McMerty

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Orli Winton

Proud of you everyday

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Naomi Winton

Great effort

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Lynne Berson

You rock!

11 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jonathan Janssen
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.