
Target: $25,000
Our Motivation

Each year emergency services personnel across Australia raise much needed funds for The Movember Foundation. In light of successful fundraising by Brigades, Groups and Units (BGUs) across WA, the DFES Challenge aims to unite all members, spark competition and showcase their generosity.

This Challenge's distance total

1800 km

As not everyone within the Department of Fire and Emergency Service can grow a Mo, please donate to those running, walking or working out. Every little bit helps!





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Previous year's posts
121 Week(s) Ago

Last Day of the DFES Challenge and we've taken 2nd posi on the the Mo First Responders Challenge.

Another amazing Movember to Remember but it's not over yet. Let's Mo! Mo! Mo!

Previous year's posts
121 Week(s) Ago

Last Day of the DFES Challenge and we've taken 2nd posi on the the Mo First Responders Challenge.

Another amazing Movember to Remember but it's not over yet. Let's Mo! Mo! Mo!

121 Week(s) Ago

Hi Mo Team,

Well done on your amazing efforts so far! I think the walks have been a fantastic addition to the Movember Move challenge, and as someone who walks a lot I tend to find them useful as a mental health recharge but also a good way to check in on mates in a way that feels a little less overwhelming.

Please enjoy this photo from the Swan Bridges walk, where I was behind a few minutes taking photos for the DFES socials (typical) and subsequently set off in the opposite direction to the main group! Luckily I had a couple of fellow latecomers to chat with along the way.

121 Week(s) Ago

Hi Mo Team,

Well done on your amazing efforts so far! I think the walks have been a fantastic addition to the Movember Move challenge, and as someone who walks a lot I tend to find them useful as a mental health recharge but also a good way to check in on mates in a way that feels a little less overwhelming.

Please enjoy this photo from the Swan Bridges walk, where I was behind a few minutes taking photos for the DFES socials (typical) and subsequently set off in the opposite direction to the main group! Luckily I had a couple of fellow latecomers to chat with along the way.

121 Week(s) Ago

Afternoon Mo Team

We've seen some amazing efforts this Movember but it's not quite finished yet. If you are wanting to be in with a chance to take out the inaugural Mo-phy then please send us your photos of your Mo's and events.

Please post your Pictures to this feed or email them to thriving@dfes.wa.gov.au

We can't wait to see the amazing efforts you have all made!

121 Week(s) Ago

Afternoon Mo Team

We've seen some amazing efforts this Movember but it's not quite finished yet. If you are wanting to be in with a chance to take out the inaugural Mo-phy then please send us your photos of your Mo's and events.

Please post your Pictures to this feed or email them to thriving@dfes.wa.gov.au

We can't wait to see the amazing efforts you have all made!

122 Week(s) Ago

Well done Mo Bro's and Mo Sisters!

We've over taken the WA Police to reclaim the number one spot as WA's leaders in the Mo First Responder Challenge.

There's just over a week to go for this years challenge so let's keep pushing to that finish line.

Please be aware for those of you who are able to attend that we will be hosting the Movember Awards ceremony at the Cockburn ESC on the 1st of December at 10am (Training Room 1). We'd love to see as many Mo Bro's and Sisters join us to celebrate the most outstanding efforts in this years challenge (and to award the inaugural Mo-Phy).

122 Week(s) Ago

Well done Mo Bro's and Mo Sisters!

We've over taken the WA Police to reclaim the number one spot as WA's leaders in the Mo First Responder Challenge.

There's just over a week to go for this years challenge so let's keep pushing to that finish line.

Please be aware for those of you who are able to attend that we will be hosting the Movember Awards ceremony at the Cockburn ESC on the 1st of December at 10am (Training Room 1). We'd love to see as many Mo Bro's and Sisters join us to celebrate the most outstanding efforts in this years challenge (and to award the inaugural Mo-Phy).

123 Week(s) Ago

Movember isn't really about luscious moustaches.... they're just awesome by themselves.

It's about raising awareness and research funds to help the men in our lives share their lives with us longer.

Depression leading to suicide and testicular cancer needlessly kills our young men, prostate cancer prematurely kills too many older men.

Everyone in DFES who spreads the word or donate to this great cause...... I think you're doing great work!!!

123 Week(s) Ago

Movember isn't really about luscious moustaches.... they're just awesome by themselves.

It's about raising awareness and research funds to help the men in our lives share their lives with us longer.

Depression leading to suicide and testicular cancer needlessly kills our young men, prostate cancer prematurely kills too many older men.

Everyone in DFES who spreads the word or donate to this great cause...... I think you're doing great work!!!

123 Week(s) Ago

Over half way through the challenge, keep up the Mo-mentum! We've got the WA Police in our sights, let's come home strong and make sure we retain the WA Leaders position in the Mo First Responder Challenge (we're roughly $1000 behind atm).

Amazing job this past week by Kwinana VFR and who have taken a comfortable team lead in the DFES Challenge. Great efforts thus far by Perth B Platoon and Kalgoorlie FRS as well!

For those able to attend, there will be celebratory event hosted at the Cockburn ESC on 1/12/2022 at 10 am to celebrate and recognise the amazing efforts through this years challenge.

123 Week(s) Ago

Over half way through the challenge, keep up the Mo-mentum! We've got the WA Police in our sights, let's come home strong and make sure we retain the WA Leaders position in the Mo First Responder Challenge (we're roughly $1000 behind atm).

Amazing job this past week by Kwinana VFR and who have taken a comfortable team lead in the DFES Challenge. Great efforts thus far by Perth B Platoon and Kalgoorlie FRS as well!

For those able to attend, there will be celebratory event hosted at the Cockburn ESC on 1/12/2022 at 10 am to celebrate and recognise the amazing efforts through this years challenge.

123 Week(s) Ago

Morning Mo Legends

2022 marks the first year DFES are awarding
'The Mo phy' to the team that is deemed to have fully emersed itself within the themes of this year’s Movember campaign.

Assessment criteria for the inaugural winner will be a combination of:
1. Donations
2. Moustaches
3. Movement
4. Hosting
5. Mo-ing your own way

Please post your Pictures to this feed or email them to thriving@dfes.wa.gov.au

123 Week(s) Ago

Morning Mo Legends

2022 marks the first year DFES are awarding
'The Mo phy' to the team that is deemed to have fully emersed itself within the themes of this year’s Movember campaign.

Assessment criteria for the inaugural winner will be a combination of:
1. Donations
2. Moustaches
3. Movement
4. Hosting
5. Mo-ing your own way

Please post your Pictures to this feed or email them to thriving@dfes.wa.gov.au

124 Week(s) Ago

A happy snap from the first Move for Movember walks attended by Murdoch CFRS, District Officers and numerous HR&S staff. There are more planned for the rest of the month so keep an eye out for them.

124 Week(s) Ago

A happy snap from the first Move for Movember walks attended by Murdoch CFRS, District Officers and numerous HR&S staff. There are more planned for the rest of the month so keep an eye out for them.

124 Week(s) Ago

10 days in and some stellar first up efforts.

A quick update on the National Mo First Responder Challenge, DFES is currently positioned third just behind the WA Police who got off to quick start this year.

Challenge accepted, let's chase them down and make sure DFES remains the leader in the state of WA for emergency services and first responders.

Mo On !

124 Week(s) Ago

10 days in and some stellar first up efforts.

A quick update on the National Mo First Responder Challenge, DFES is currently positioned third just behind the WA Police who got off to quick start this year.

Challenge accepted, let's chase them down and make sure DFES remains the leader in the state of WA for emergency services and first responders.

Mo On !

125 Week(s) Ago

Big shout out to our individual and team leaders who have bolted out of the gates:

Branden Pyke; and
Kalgoorlie FRS.

Setting the bar high for the rest of us but we've got plenty of time to catch up.

Mo On !

125 Week(s) Ago

Big shout out to our individual and team leaders who have bolted out of the gates:

Branden Pyke; and
Kalgoorlie FRS.

Setting the bar high for the rest of us but we've got plenty of time to catch up.

Mo On !

125 Week(s) Ago

Who's back on-board for the hairy season 2022?

Hopefully those shave downs have occurred, teams are formed and the moving and hosting is happening.

We can't wait to see what DFES can achieve this year so please make sure that all our Mo Bros and Mo Sisters are registered again as part of the DFES Challenge. Together we can make a real difference to men's health.

Mo On Team!

125 Week(s) Ago

Who's back on-board for the hairy season 2022?

Hopefully those shave downs have occurred, teams are formed and the moving and hosting is happening.

We can't wait to see what DFES can achieve this year so please make sure that all our Mo Bros and Mo Sisters are registered again as part of the DFES Challenge. Together we can make a real difference to men's health.

Mo On Team!

174 Week(s) Ago

Almost the last week, time to give it that extra little push to get to the finish line and maintain that 1st place in Mo First Responder Challenge !

Unbelievable effort by Kwinana VFRS in addition to our ongoing individual leader Steven Crawford SES. Way to lead by example.

If the rest of us can close the gap a little on the DFES leaders than we're going to come home strong!

174 Week(s) Ago

Almost the last week, time to give it that extra little push to get to the finish line and maintain that 1st place in Mo First Responder Challenge !

Unbelievable effort by Kwinana VFRS in addition to our ongoing individual leader Steven Crawford SES. Way to lead by example.

If the rest of us can close the gap a little on the DFES leaders than we're going to come home strong!

175 Week(s) Ago

Kalgoorlie 1st pump rockin the stache

175 Week(s) Ago

Kalgoorlie 1st pump rockin the stache

175 Week(s) Ago

We've taken the lead in the first responders challenge, just ahead of QFES (insert party balloons here) let's keep it up!

175 Week(s) Ago

We've taken the lead in the first responders challenge, just ahead of QFES (insert party balloons here) let's keep it up!

175 Week(s) Ago

It's the mid way point and DFES is only marginally behind QFES for first place in the National Mo First Responders Challenge.

Let's come how with a strong push to finish off the month and take that first position!

Kwinana and Gosnell's Vollies still smashing it and some great efforts so far from the Kal, Vincent and Bushfire Centre of Excellence crews!

Please look for opportunities to push and promote any host events to round out the campaign and keep an eye out for the Move for Movember walk dates coming up still (18th - Hillary's, 24th Swan River Bridges and 30th Port Beach).

175 Week(s) Ago

It's the mid way point and DFES is only marginally behind QFES for first place in the National Mo First Responders Challenge.

Let's come how with a strong push to finish off the month and take that first position!

Kwinana and Gosnell's Vollies still smashing it and some great efforts so far from the Kal, Vincent and Bushfire Centre of Excellence crews!

Please look for opportunities to push and promote any host events to round out the campaign and keep an eye out for the Move for Movember walk dates coming up still (18th - Hillary's, 24th Swan River Bridges and 30th Port Beach).

177 Week(s) Ago

West Swan Rocking the Movember shirts and Mo's on our vehicles

177 Week(s) Ago

West Swan Rocking the Movember shirts and Mo's on our vehicles

177 Week(s) Ago

"Not even sorry mum, it's worth it!"

177 Week(s) Ago

"Not even sorry mum, it's worth it!"

226 Week(s) Ago

Wow ! Look at some of these team efforts, so good.

226 Week(s) Ago

Wow ! Look at some of these team efforts, so good.

227 Week(s) Ago

227 Week(s) Ago

228 Week(s) Ago

Nipping at the heals of Queensland for 2nd place...

228 Week(s) Ago

Nipping at the heals of Queensland for 2nd place...

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.