
Our Motivation

The rate of suicide among prison officers and correctional staff is alarmingly high and we need to stop this! 2022 see's our annual international combined Movember effort made by Prison Officers and Correctional staff working in jails across Australia and New Zealand, we simply need to stop "Burying our mates" and we need to do it together!

All prison staff owe it to ourselves, our work mates and our families to Stand T.A.L.R (Talk, Ask, Listen, Refer) and face the challenges of poor mental health! Grow a moustache, raise funds and awareness to combat cancer related illnesses and poor mental health in our prisons.

Your dodgy looking seedy facial fur might just be the conversation start that saves a persons life so get involved and have some fun!





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Previous year's posts
180 Week(s) Ago

Today is International Men's Day make sure you show your support for MENtal Health by sharing and donating to the POAA Challenge

Previous year's posts
180 Week(s) Ago

Today is International Men's Day make sure you show your support for MENtal Health by sharing and donating to the POAA Challenge

181 Week(s) Ago

What a difference a week makes.

Well done to all the states involved in the POAA challenge. This is a great MOvement that we can use to highlight the silent battle we have behind the bars with mental health issues created by our unique work environment.

Thanks to you all for getting involved.

181 Week(s) Ago

What a difference a week makes.

Well done to all the states involved in the POAA challenge. This is a great MOvement that we can use to highlight the silent battle we have behind the bars with mental health issues created by our unique work environment.

Thanks to you all for getting involved.

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.