$20 Draw
This year we offered Mo Bros & Mo Sistas who raise over $20 the chance to win an ultimate PlayStation gaming package.
And the winner is... Rudy Tonus

$50 Draw
Thanks to our partners at MINI Australia, every Mo Bro and Mo Sista that raised $50 or more for Movember went in the draw to win a MINI Countryman for 12 months, including all registration and servicing.
And the winner is... Greig Turnbull

Early Mo Draw
The Early Mo won a customised Maurice Lacroix Pontos S Diver watch just by signing up before Movember 1st.
And the winner is... Brendon Buccilli

Best Mo Space
The winner is chosen from a selection of highly shared Mo Space pages and will receive a Men’s Vintage Roadster Bike courtesy of our mates at Reid Cycles.
And the winner is... Bradley Brown

Team Mo (10 or Less)
The team (10 or less) who raise the most money will receive a money-can’t-buy Carlton Mid One Day International package thanks to our friends at Cricket Australia.
And the winner is... The FG Grow Bros

Team Mo (10 or More)
The team (11 or more) who raise the most money receive 11 FUJIFILM instax mini 90 cameras.
And the winner is... Team Warrior

The Mo Mo - James Dean Memorial Award
In recognition of the outstanding efforts of Mo Bro James Dean in 2008, The Movember Foundation has created the ‘Mo Mo – James Dean Memorial Award’. This is awarded each year to the individual who raises the most amount of money during the Movember campaign in Australia.
And the winner is... Nick Halkitis