Pulse R
1  year  Mo Bro
Hosting an event


raised $190 since 2021
My motivation

Pulse Running x World Mental Health Day

With the postponement of The Melbourne Marathon we still wanted to give people a reason to get out there, have a crack, test their shape and break up the monotony of training week in week out without a race.

We realised that this date happened to coincide with World Mental Health Day. So we thought why not make a big event out of this, get everyone out for a run and raise money for an important cause.

Donate: Donate to the "Pulse Virtual Race" Team on Movember.com
Date: October 9 or 10 (giving you the weekend so you can find the best conditions)
Distance: 10k
Share: When you complete your race share your activity on Instagram and tag @Pulse.running so we see it

We reached out to some companies and were lucky enough to gather together a few prizes for a little bit of extra incentive. Anyone who donates $20+ and Races will go into the draw

Prizes: (Thank you to all the companies that have made this possible)
$300 UpthereAthletics Voucher
EPØKHE Sunglasses
Premax Running Performance Skincare bundle
1 of 6 1kg Bags of Coffee From Koko Coffee Roasters
3 Month Pulse Running Program
Pulse Nike Aeroswift Singlet
Human Tecar Voucher
Feetures Elite Tech Running Sock Pack


How I'm
getting involved
Pulse Virtual Race
Team captain Pulse R
$0 Team funds raised
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Previous year's donations
135 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Huy Dang
135 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Huy Dang
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.