James McGlashan
3  year  Mo Bro


raised $1,230 since 2022
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

Last year on the 30th of Jan what was then called "The Challenge" was attempted by myself with the support of a lot of my close friends. This was a Paddle from Lorne to Fairhaven, Ride to Lorne then back to Fairhaven and finished with a run to Lorne.

This Challenge now called the Lorne to Fairhaven for Mental Health (L 2 F 4 MH) was undertaken in the name of our good friend Finley Dale who sadly lost his battle with mental health in 2019. Finley was one of a kind who had time for everybody and always made you feel valued and welcome, he was one of the most caring people I knew and I have nothing but the greatest memories of our time together.

Through the undertaking of the challenge last year I have never had more conversations with a more diverse group of people around how they are going and what was on their mind at the time. Through these conversations I realized that there was not a single person I know who has not either directly been impacted or had someone they care about be impacted by the horrible effects of poor mental health.

Coming out of two years in and out of lockdowns some people are struggling more then ever, not to mention that those who were struggling before Covid impacted day to day life.

That is why it was a no brainer for me to want to undertake the challenge now called the L 2 F 4 MH again and again undertake it in Finleys name. If doing this leads to just one more person having a conversation with someone else saying they don't feel ok then every minute of the challenge was worth it. I hope if you read this you are feeling ok and if you are not please do not hesitate to reach out.

As well as the awareness raised the L 2 F 4 MH is aiming to raise funds for Movember to put towards mental health and suicide prevention, I hope that the funds rasied can contribute to the amazing work being done by charities like Movember. Every donation no matter how small helps so please donate if you can.

How I'm
getting involved
Team captain James McGlashan
$23,410 Team funds raised
0 of 62 kilometres
My Friends and I will be undertaking a challenge I have created called the Lorne to Fairhaven for Mental Health (L 2 F 4 MH). It is a 13km Paddle 33km Bike Ride and a 16km Run.
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23 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sophie Carne
23 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sophie Carne
Previous year's posts
87 Week(s) Ago

Hi Glash,

It has been an absolute pleasure to see your passion for Movember every day. Your engagement with supporters is incredible. I appreciate how much you allow others to feel their feelings without judgment. This has made you an amazing support for our supporters.

In all my years with Movember, I have never met anyone quite like you. Your ability to inspire, emphasise and have fun is outstanding. You embody the true values of Movember. The organisation and your mates are lucky to have such a wonderful caring man in their corner. Keep setting an example for the rest of us Glash.

Mo On my friend, you true Mo legend!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.