Geoff Keen
1  year  Mo Bro


raised $45 since 2023
My motivation

Those of us with testicles know only too well the pain of having our 'nads knocked. And, generally, we wouldn't want to be knackered in the real sense of the word. I've had a couple of good mates, however, that had health issues in that department, and not only lost their nuts, but also their lives... one due to extenuating, ongoing health issues.. the other to ensuing depression and suicide. That bloke, an extremely talented drummer, left behind a wife and young son.
So, while the much-treasured chest of the family jewels has been the target of jest for centuries, men's health issues like testicular cancer are a sobering reality that really hit home when it's your mate, a family member, or even you, who's afflicted.
This is my MOtivation in asking for donations, the impetus to combat impotence, that I hope will make a difference.
My moustache is definitely in need of your support... Rather than saying "bollocks to that!", please donate to my #Movember efforts and help me change the face of men’s health.

How I'm
getting involved
ICC Sydney
Team captain Beau Di Orazio
$0 Team funds raised
Your feed

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Previous year's donations
Previous year's posts
58 Week(s) Ago

Movember is coming to a close for 2023.. My mo's been coming along nicely, even needing the occasional trim to keep semi-respectable...
With the hot weather upon us, I'm looking forward to shaving it off!

You can have your say in this - make a donation and in the comment type "SAVE" or "SHAVE"...Highest donations for this will win the decree.*

*At least for one more month.

Previous year's posts
58 Week(s) Ago

Movember is coming to a close for 2023.. My mo's been coming along nicely, even needing the occasional trim to keep semi-respectable...
With the hot weather upon us, I'm looking forward to shaving it off!

You can have your say in this - make a donation and in the comment type "SAVE" or "SHAVE"...Highest donations for this will win the decree.*

*At least for one more month.

60 Week(s) Ago

Hey Adrian G., you're a legend! Thanks for donating to my #Movember journey and for changing the face of men’s health. This also helps our team effort! You’re what making a difference looks like, except with an added shaggy beard..
I look forward to you joining Movember one day and rocking some wild 'Van Dyke'!

60 Week(s) Ago

Hey Adrian G., you're a legend! Thanks for donating to my #Movember journey and for changing the face of men’s health. This also helps our team effort! You’re what making a difference looks like, except with an added shaggy beard..
I look forward to you joining Movember one day and rocking some wild 'Van Dyke'!

61 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Adrian Green

I look forward to the Mo being removed from your face.

61 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Adrian Green

I look forward to the Mo being removed from your face.

63 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
63 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.