Mick Meehan
6  year  Mo Bro


Target: $1,500
raised $2,110 since 2013
My motivation

I am passionate about supporting MEN’S HEALTH PROGRAMS that combat prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges. These programs, directed by the Movember Foundation, are focused on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, staying mentally healthy, living with and beyond mental illness and research to achieve our vision of an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.

How I'm
getting involved
Team captain Bede Sajowitz
$0 Team funds raised
Your feed

Leave Mick a comment

Previous year's posts
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brent Lewis

Great work Michael!

Previous year's donations
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brent Lewis

Great work Michael!

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Raynelle Howat
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Raynelle Howat
42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
POLITIX Donation

Well done! Here’s your $20 donation match to save lives – and make your Mo Space look even better.

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
POLITIX Donation

Well done! Here’s your $20 donation match to save lives – and make your Mo Space look even better.

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Dianne Lawrence

Well done you Michael great cause xx

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Dianne Lawrence

Well done you Michael great cause xx

43 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Turner
43 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Turner
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
PT with G
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
PT with G
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Steven West
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Steven West
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Samantha Anear

Great job Michael

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Samantha Anear

Great job Michael

Previous year's posts
94 Week(s) Ago

Only a couple of days to go, so not only am I happy to take donations for the efforts, but I'll be happy to take donations to get rid of it on Thursday morning hahahaha

94 Week(s) Ago

Only a couple of days to go, so not only am I happy to take donations for the efforts, but I'll be happy to take donations to get rid of it on Thursday morning hahahaha

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Clay Finnemore
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Clay Finnemore
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tommy Ang
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tommy Ang
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Raynelle Howat
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Raynelle Howat
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Peter Ghisla

Looking good Mick!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Peter Ghisla

Looking good Mick!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jo L


94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jo L


95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kristie Longhurst
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kristie Longhurst
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Payne
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jennifer Payne
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Anthony Fahey
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Anthony Fahey
95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sonya D

Well done Michael, such a great cause :)

95 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sonya D

Well done Michael, such a great cause :)

95 Week(s) Ago

We need to raise awareness to Men's health issues.

95 Week(s) Ago

We need to raise awareness to Men's health issues.

96 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bala Jayaraman
96 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bala Jayaraman
96 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Avi Bhatia

Great Work Michael. This is such a great cause ✌

96 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jake Vincent

Thank you for bringing attention and fundraising for such an important cause Michael, far too often it’s kept quiet or overlooked.
Also on a side note, I think the Mo looks awesome :)

96 Week(s) Ago

97 Week(s) Ago

145 Week(s) Ago

Day 30.

145 Week(s) Ago

Last day of Movember for 2021. I am truly humbled by the support. Please, if you haven't had a chance to donate yet, it's not too late.

147 Week(s) Ago

Over halfway and despite it looking a little grey, it's coming along nicely!!

Kisses have all but stopped though

148 Week(s) Ago

Almost halfway, and the Mo is coming along quite nicely.

You haven't donated yet? Just one click away from donating!

148 Week(s) Ago

Day 9. Slowly getting there!

149 Week(s) Ago

I haven't set a target, as any amount is better than no amount.

The last almost 20 months have been challenging for a lot of men, both physically and mentally. Let's do our bit to raise awareness and much needed funds to assist men in the fight against mental illness.

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.