Leaderboards are officially CLOSED and the winners are in! Congratulations to our top five teams in the Legal Challenge:
1. HWL Ebsworth
2. Clayton Utz
3. MinterEllison
4. Allens
5. Allen & Overy
Huge shoutout also goes to out top five individual retail fundraisers:
1. Chris Slocombe
2. David Vorchheimer
3. Kris Hopkins
4. Chris Scarf
5. James Gibney
This year as a sector, we had 235 members across 35 teams raise more than $88,000 in the name of men's health. Simply extraordinary. A massive thanks from the team at Movember to each and every one of you.
PS: donations can still be received until the end of December, then pages reset for hairy season 2024.
This Challenge's distance total
2996.73 km
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