CanKiwi Mo-Police Challenge


Target: 5 CAD ($5)
Our Motivation

New Zealand Police and Toronto Police are facing off - head to head, face to face, and mo on mo - in a Movember challenge that spans the globe! We see far too much hurt and death in our field of policing. This affects ALL of us, and men in particular are not good at asking for help, reaching out and saying 'are you ok?' to workmates, friends, and family ….or looking after themselves when it comes to health matters….. together however we TU KAHA (stand strong) when it comes the issue of health and mental health. Let’s do this and make Movember 2019 mean more than it has ever meant before! Members, please register for your team, or make a donation! Which team will win the challenge?





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Previous year's posts
234 Week(s) Ago

132 team members/ over $20 k raised and a WHOLE lot of conversations about men's health and mental health - that's the real WINNER here !! Great Stuff Toronto and great funds raised.... but looks like the trophy might be staying here in NZ this year !!! But heck we have given you this guy so maybe next year he might be able to help you win .....

Previous year's posts
234 Week(s) Ago

132 team members/ over $20 k raised and a WHOLE lot of conversations about men's health and mental health - that's the real WINNER here !! Great Stuff Toronto and great funds raised.... but looks like the trophy might be staying here in NZ this year !!! But heck we have given you this guy so maybe next year he might be able to help you win .....

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.