Spark North East Link


Target: $60,000
Our Motivation

Last year we raised $32k and so in 2024 we are aiming to double that amount and reach $60K. We aim to raise these funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. We need your help and so please donate to support men's health. Thank you.

This Challenge's distance total

10000 km

We figure our Challenge will have roughly 200 Mo vers and so this should equate to 50Km per person and so a grand total of 10,000 km for our whole team, can we do it?





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Previous year's posts
15 Week(s) Ago

Previous year's posts
15 Week(s) Ago

18 Week(s) Ago


For the lucky early Mo Sisters and Mo Bros who join our Movember Challenge this year Spark has a Special Mo Grow Gift.
A GROW YOUR MO! Seed pack of herbs seeds for your garden. Plant the herb seeds and watch your green "mo" grow!
Be in quick to get your pack :)

18 Week(s) Ago


For the lucky early Mo Sisters and Mo Bros who join our Movember Challenge this year Spark has a Special Mo Grow Gift.
A GROW YOUR MO! Seed pack of herbs seeds for your garden. Plant the herb seeds and watch your green "mo" grow!
Be in quick to get your pack :)

64 Week(s) Ago

Fu Manchu Entry.

64 Week(s) Ago

Fu Manchu Entry.

64 Week(s) Ago

Great Effort from our little team here in Benalla great awareness raised yesterday with guest speaker Joel from Hearten up. we also sore the drawing of raffle that was supplied by our fantastic suppliers. total tool and elder insurance Wangaratta were on site to draw the raffle. it been a great ride. and enjoy it all the way even if couldn't grow a Mo properly.

64 Week(s) Ago

Great Effort from our little team here in Benalla great awareness raised yesterday with guest speaker Joel from Hearten up. we also sore the drawing of raffle that was supplied by our fantastic suppliers. total tool and elder insurance Wangaratta were on site to draw the raffle. it been a great ride. and enjoy it all the way even if couldn't grow a Mo properly.

64 Week(s) Ago

What a fantastic achievement Spark team, well done to everyone for your generous efforts and donations!

64 Week(s) Ago

What a fantastic achievement Spark team, well done to everyone for your generous efforts and donations!

65 Week(s) Ago

What an amazing effort by ALL teams involved. A huge thankyou to all our Suppliers and everyone else for their donations to Watsonia Site Team to help this cause. One more day to go and plenty of time to make those donations.

65 Week(s) Ago

What an amazing effort by ALL teams involved. A huge thankyou to all our Suppliers and everyone else for their donations to Watsonia Site Team to help this cause. One more day to go and plenty of time to make those donations.

65 Week(s) Ago

Congratulations everyone! What an achievement.

65 Week(s) Ago

Congratulations everyone! What an achievement.

65 Week(s) Ago

Some of the team from MOJO Central had a Mo ning Tea on Thursday to raise awareness of Movember and support Men's Health. Movember inspired snacks were provided with Mo's a plenty on Mini Mo Choc Croissants, Mo Spinach and Feta Swirls, and Mini Mo Cupcakes. Who knew that Mo frosting was so hard to do!! Many Thanks to the Team, United we Mo!

65 Week(s) Ago

Some of the team from MOJO Central had a Mo ning Tea on Thursday to raise awareness of Movember and support Men's Health. Movember inspired snacks were provided with Mo's a plenty on Mini Mo Choc Croissants, Mo Spinach and Feta Swirls, and Mini Mo Cupcakes. Who knew that Mo frosting was so hard to do!! Many Thanks to the Team, United we Mo!

67 Week(s) Ago

What a cracker day at Lower Plenty. Great to see staff bring in cakes etc along to our little fundraiser afternoon tea to raise awareness of mens health during Movember. I chatted to the group about Prostate Cancer, and managed to bring a little bit of humor to a very serious issue. It did start an all around conversation, which was the intended result. We all had a great chat on topics other than work which changed things up a bit and was fantastic! Some laughs and general team bonding was well received.  It was so good to see and to be involved in this.  Well done pepes.  You are all legends. Not sure what we raised, but AWARENESS was right up there! I think our weight may have been raised a tad too hahahha

67 Week(s) Ago

What a cracker day at Lower Plenty. Great to see staff bring in cakes etc along to our little fundraiser afternoon tea to raise awareness of mens health during Movember. I chatted to the group about Prostate Cancer, and managed to bring a little bit of humor to a very serious issue. It did start an all around conversation, which was the intended result. We all had a great chat on topics other than work which changed things up a bit and was fantastic! Some laughs and general team bonding was well received.  It was so good to see and to be involved in this.  Well done pepes.  You are all legends. Not sure what we raised, but AWARENESS was right up there! I think our weight may have been raised a tad too hahahha

68 Week(s) Ago

Hi all! I am donating 3 nights accommodation in beautiful tropical FNQ to Movember in the form of a raffle. It is drawn on 30/11/2023. Purchase of entries is to be made via the QR code on the flyer. Please leave your number there so you can be contacted if you win! So $2.00 gets you one entry. If you donate $10 via this QR code then you get 5 chances to win. Good Luck!
Please share around. Who wouldn't want a chance to win this.
Thanks for your support :)

68 Week(s) Ago

Hi all! I am donating 3 nights accommodation in beautiful tropical FNQ to Movember in the form of a raffle. It is drawn on 30/11/2023. Purchase of entries is to be made via the QR code on the flyer. Please leave your number there so you can be contacted if you win! So $2.00 gets you one entry. If you donate $10 via this QR code then you get 5 chances to win. Good Luck!
Please share around. Who wouldn't want a chance to win this.
Thanks for your support :)

69 Week(s) Ago

Lower Plenty "Fu Manchu" are ready set go! hahah. we will be streaming our live shaves on November 1 at 1 pm. All for a great cause!

69 Week(s) Ago

Lower Plenty "Fu Manchu" are ready set go! hahah. we will be streaming our live shaves on November 1 at 1 pm. All for a great cause!

70 Week(s) Ago

70 Week(s) Ago

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.