- Sitting comfortably? Well, stop. A sedentary lifestyle is bad for your heart. At work swap your water bottle for a glass, so you head to the kitchen to refill more often.
- The health benefits of avocado will have you saying "holy guacamole". The oleic acid they contain can help reduce cholesterol levels. Plus they taste awesome, too.
- Drink more green tea. Not only is a cup brim full of antioxidants, it also boosts your metabolism and increases your kilojoule burn.
- Wear sunscreen every day. In NSW, men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with melanoma than women. Protect yourself and slather up.
- Yes, booze is great, but it also socks your liver. Try and stick within government guidelines or at least aim to have two alcohol-free days a week.
- Stress exacerbates health problems. Keep calm and carry on with high-intensity exercise - a University of Missouri study found that a 33-minute session helps lower stress levels.
- Lack of sleep plays havoc with your immune system. Pop a magnesium supplement before you hit the sack – it calms the nerves and relaxes the muscle to help lull you to the land of nod.
- Hoof it for health. In a University of Oklahoma study, men who logged at least 10,000 steps a day slashed their odds of having cardiovascular disease risk factors by 69 per cent.
- Floss daily to fight cancer. People with gum disease don't just have a worse smile they also have a 54 per cent greater risk of kidney, pancreatic and blood cancers.
- Stay off the toilet during severe thunderstorms. Lightning can run through the plumbing.
For more health, style and grooming tips visit the Men's Health website.