- KICK Start Your Fundraising
Any cause worth fundraising for is worth donating to, right? Show everyone you mean business by KICK starting your MOVE campaign with a donation to yourself.
- RUN a Campaign
Now that you’ve made your commitment to MOVE all 30 days of Movember, make sure you RUN a campaign around it. Let your friends, family, colleagues, etc. know that you’ve made a 30-day commitment to men’s health, and that you’d like their support. Keep the updates coming – people love to see what you’re doing. Your daily MOVEs will be a source of inspiration for those around you.
- CYCLE through Your Contacts
Who is the right person to reach out to for a donation? Anyone in your contacts! You’ll be surprised who will surprise you with a donation. Often it’s the person you least suspect to donate. As they say, no one is waiting to donate – you have to ask (and ask again!)
- SURF the Internet
Aside from your Mo Space, another great way to share what you’re doing for Movember is online, be it Facebook updates, tweets from accomplished MOVEs, or inspiration from Movember.com. Tell people how you’re moving and ask them to support you.
- LACE UP Your Story
People donate to a person more than a cause. Your contacts will be Mo-tivated by your story, so be sure to tell it. Whatever caused you to take your 30-day MOVE commitment, share that with your network. Making it personal is a huge factor in turning a friend into a donor.
- LEAP over Lethargy
Is making a MOVE every day of Movember easy? Nope! But that’s why you’ve taken on this challenge. Keep up the good word, and stay active every day. Make it a contest, the finish line being not just Movember 30, but whatever your own personal goal is, whether that’s weight loss, getting stronger, eating better, or just doing the right thing for your health. It will be tempting to skip a MOVE after a long day at the office, or if the weather is bad. Stay steady and your friends and family will be so impressed that they’ll want to support your efforts.

8 November 2015
Here’s how to monetize your MOVE commitment and raise money for men’s health
MOVE Fundraising Tips