With the month of Movember done and dusted for another year, Movers across the globe have used the past couple of months to take a well-deserved break from Moving. We all need a chance to catch our breath, after all.
But the first quarter of 2018 is well and truly upon us. And there’s no better time to take stock of our fitness goals, and ensure we’re all on track for a mega year of physical health (and fundraising – of course).
So, what better way to ramp up the ‘fitspo’ than by celebrating a bunch of Movers who shook things up in 2017? According to these Mo Legends – there’s no distance too far, no climate too warm, and no terrain too tough.
If you’re ready for inspiration, read on.
1. Who: Brady Curran
Where: Geelong, Melbourne
Brady completed a marathon. But not just any marathon. He went next level, and strapped a clothes dryer to his back. That’s how serious Brady was about Moving last Movember.
Drawing the attention of on-lookers and supporters, Brady’s heavy load raised an incredible $9,257 for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention for the Movember Foundation. What a legend.
2. Who: George Friend
Where: Perth, Western Australia
‘Cycling’ wasn’t enough of a challenge for Mo Bro, George. No, Siree. An 8-day,1300km cycle from Exmouth to Perth was more his style.
In the process, George raised $15,103 for men around the globe. That’s an inspiring Move.
3. Who: Andrew Devrell
Where: Melbourne and Sydney
For those of you who like to Move to the beat of your own drum, Andrew’s Moves are one to admire. This Mo Bro branched out from the typical walking, running, cycling or swimming and decided to skate. And skate he did. All the way from Sydney to Melbourne.
His journey saw the wheels on his deck spin millions of times – raising $1,319 to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives. Now that’s some feel-good skating.
4. Who: Nelson Parker
Where: Canberra, ACT
Do you live, eat and breathe for tennis? Why not use it as fuel for your next Move? Nelson Parker took his tennis obsession to new heights when he completed a 24-hour straight tennis rally...
Despite rain and hail, Nelson pushed through – hit after hit. In the process, Nelson’s legendary efforts raised $7,745 for the Movember Foundation. If that’s not a ‘game-set-and-match’, we don’t know what is.
Feeling inspired? Us too. The good news is, you don’t have to wait until Movember 2018 to gear up and get Moving.
That’s right, you can Move throughout the year, getting active, feelin’ fit and raising money as the months tick by.
For those of us who can’t Grow (and those of us who can), Moving is an ideal way to continue supporting men’s health the whole year through.

8 February 2018
With the month of Movember done and dusted for another year, Movers across the globe have used the past couple of months to take a well-deserved break from Moving.
4 Movers set to inspire your 2018 fitness goals