10 July 1971

We’re in a position today where we are truly changing the face of men’s health with the programs we fund and the awareness being raised. This just wouldn’t be possible without the continued support we receive from our donors. We’d like to take this opportunity to tell you more about your funds in action.

What You’re Funding
Where The Money Goes

The funds raised by the Movember community in Australia support equally the two biggest health issues men face – prostate cancer and depression. Programs are run through the Movember Foundation and our men’s health partners, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue.

We have a collaborative relationship with our partners and together, the three channels work to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world-class programs in line with our long term strategic goals, in the areas of awareness and education, survivorship and research.

Throughout the year, we constantly update our Programs We Fund section under About Movember, so please come back to the site so we can continue to show you the difference your funds are making. If you’ve got time, take a look now at the work the Movember community is currently supporting.

Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia - au.movember.com/about/beneficiary1/

Funds from the 2011 campaign will go towards existing programs, in addition to a range of new initiatives and we look forward to continuing to share details of these new programs; there are some really exciting plans in the pipeline.

Movember’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the state of men’s health. To this end Movember has established the Movember Global Action Plan (GAP), which aims to accelerate prostate cancer outcomes through global research collaboration. Working with our prostate cancer partners in each country over the last few years, we identified an opportunity to accelerate research outcomes that benefit men by providing researchers around the world the ability to work together to address critical research challenges. Given our presence internationally, Movember is uniquely placed to address this challenge by facilitating and funding a new and bold approach to prostate cancer research collaboration that fast tracks outcomes.

For further information, please visit the GAP Page: au.movember.com/about/global-action-plan/