Buy the Collector's Edition Movember/Men's Health magazine app for all you need to know about Mo grooming, your prostate and the black dog.
Available through the Apple Store on your iPad for $1.99 (all profits to Movember; download here), the app helps you match your profession with the right mo' and offers expert advice on how to sculpt it for maximum impact.
Your appearance taken care of, the app also includes the ultimate bloke's manual for addressing prostate cancer and mental health – all told in Men's Health's trademark readable style.
Give yourself a once-over by taking the depression test, read up on 5 ways to fortify yourself against depression, trial some mood-lifting workouts and learn how to respond if your partner is affected.
Finally, follow the Men's Health plan for heading off prostate cancer, memorise the warning signs and brush up on treatments – including the $200m cancer-zapping ray gun soon coming to Australia.