19 November 2013

$8 million is available for collaborative, innovative mental health projects.

Request for Proposals
The Movember Foundation is seeking proposals from organisations that wish to collaboratively develop new mental health projects that will contribute to change at the population level, with a specific focus on prevention, early intervention and stigma reduction.
Proposals should address one or more of the following priority areas:
  1. Creating mentally healthy workplaces and workers
  2. Strengthening the mental health and wellbeing of men and boys
  3. Reducing the number of men and boys who die by suicide
  4. Strengthening social and emotional skills in young men and boys
This is an exceptional opportunity for the Australian mental health community, and beyond, to achieve significant results on boys' and men’s mental health.
Click here to download a copy of the request for proposal documentation.
This will be a two-step application process, with pre-proposals due 5pm AEDT 16 January 2014.