Brad Malingre is team captain of RTIO Tom Price, a team of miners based in northern Western Australia whose motivation is to raise awareness of important men’s health issues. He’s putting Tom Price on the map as a fundraising force to be reckoned with and have a little bit of fun along the way and. Here’s his story.

Movember: When did you first hear about Movember and why did you get involved?
Brad: I lost my brother to suicide in January 2008 and I have done Movember each year since.
Movember: Why is men’s health important to you?
Brad: I have seen what depression can do first hand. I sat with my brother for hours after he took his life with my mother crying next to me waiting for the coroner to come and take him away. I hope no one has to go through that type of experience.

Movember: What is your most memorable Movember moment?
Brad: Last year I challenged myself to run 100km during the month of Movember. I had been making excuses not to exercise up to that point so I needed to challenge myself. I ended up running every day and clocked up 123km and raised over $7000...oh and lost 6kgs in the process. I felt physically and mentally better and got great support from family, friends and even strangers in the community.
Movember: What do you like most about participating in Movember?
Brad: I like how we can bring people together for a common cause. I also like how it can inspire other people to get involved and have a bit of fun on the way. This year we organised a Charity T20 Night Cricket Match and HOPED to raise over $20,000 from that event. With still 2 days to go before the match we had raised over $29,000 so the support has been huge.

Movember: Has Movember had a direct impact on your family, friends or community?
Brad: Yes definitely. My family are proud that I am flying the flag each year for my brother and father, who died from cancer. They were right behind me last year during my run even when I was struggling to stay motivated. My employer, Rio Tinto is a fantastic supporter of Movember so the whole Community does get in the spirit each year and Rio plays a big part in that.
Brad, Tom Price is well and truly on the Mo map.
RTIO Tom Price