No members of 'Greg.' have returned for this year
Our Motivation

Greg is passionate about supporting men's health and wellness.
We love Movember's work and want to help them make a difference.
Anyone is welcome to join the Greg team, as well as attending our upcoming Movember themed events in Adelaide.

Team Feed

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Previous year's posts
163 Week(s) Ago

Into the last week and this thing has not stopped growing…There is no way a normal bic razor is getting this thing off…will need to turn to the whipper snipper to get this overgrowth under control.

If you haven’t already and you can spare a few $pondoolies a kind donation to my Movember Mo and the great work that Movember does would be greatly appreciated by so many blokes who are doing a little tougher than ourselves.

Cmon, help a bro, to grow a mo, to help other bro's

Previous year's posts
163 Week(s) Ago

Into the last week and this thing has not stopped growing…There is no way a normal bic razor is getting this thing off…will need to turn to the whipper snipper to get this overgrowth under control.

If you haven’t already and you can spare a few $pondoolies a kind donation to my Movember Mo and the great work that Movember does would be greatly appreciated by so many blokes who are doing a little tougher than ourselves.

Cmon, help a bro, to grow a mo, to help other bro's

164 Week(s) Ago

Well just over the half way mark and what progress has been had. This thing is out of control.
Check out the photo compared to the one at the start. Can you spot the differences, besides the full on growth to the upper lip. (just in case you're wondering the photo at the start is the one on the right lol)

If you can spare a few buckaroos to help keep this thing growing at the rate it is, it would be greatly appreciated by me and more so by those in need.

Cmon, help a bro, to grow a mo, to help other bro's

164 Week(s) Ago

Well just over the half way mark and what progress has been had. This thing is out of control.
Check out the photo compared to the one at the start. Can you spot the differences, besides the full on growth to the upper lip. (just in case you're wondering the photo at the start is the one on the right lol)

If you can spare a few buckaroos to help keep this thing growing at the rate it is, it would be greatly appreciated by me and more so by those in need.

Cmon, help a bro, to grow a mo, to help other bro's

166 Week(s) Ago

well its a start...i guess thats what you would call it.

166 Week(s) Ago

well its a start...i guess thats what you would call it.

166 Week(s) Ago

Crew (mostly) freshly shaven and ready to go!

166 Week(s) Ago

Crew (mostly) freshly shaven and ready to go!

167 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Calvin Leow
Previous year's donations
167 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Calvin Leow
This team hasn't posted any activities yet. Encourage them to get out there and embrace their sweaty Mo.
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.