RVC Movember Mental Health Breakfast
About the event
As many of you would know, we have a RVC Movember team raising funds as part of the Movember fundraising event, which is a global effort to make a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer. A small donation could help save a father, brother, son, friend or any man’s life.
The RVC Movember team has a fundraising page which can be found at Movember - Team and has so far raised $1,897.
As an opportunity to bring our whole RVC team together, we have planned a breakfast on Wednesday 22 November from 7am at the Casino Civic Hall. I encourage all our staff across the Valley to attend where you are able to make it. We have a guest speaker Steve Carrigg joining us for a chat from 7.30am, who has worked with us previously in delivering mental health first aid training and has supported our community through natural disasters since the bushfires of 2019. This is a further RVC Health and Wellbeing initiative.
Our Movember team is also planning to hold a trivia evening later in the month, with a short survey of all staff to be issued shortly to see how many of our RVC team and their family and friends may be interested in attending.
I look forward to catching up with everyone on the 22nd and sharing some stories and reflections of the year we’ve had and hearing some tips from Steve on the things we can all do to assist everyone to manage their mental health, given the challenges we have faced in recent years.
Click here for more Information. https://au.movember.com/events/view/id/0amL