No members of 'UDIA WA' have returned for this year



Amount raised last year: $830
Our Motivation

To change the face of men's health

Team Feed

Write your comment here

Previous year's posts
2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .24 km00:03:50

Previous year's activities
2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .24 km00:03:50

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .41 km00:10:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .41 km00:10:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .42 km00:05:40

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .42 km00:05:40

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .43 km00:09:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .43 km00:09:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .43 km00:07:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .43 km00:07:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .38 km00:08:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .38 km00:08:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran .65 km00:02:43

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran .65 km00:02:43

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran 5.01 km00:26:13

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran 5.01 km00:26:13

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .19 km00:03:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .19 km00:03:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .49 km00:08:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .49 km00:08:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .19 km00:02:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .19 km00:02:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .71 km00:09:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .71 km00:09:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .77 km00:09:20

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .77 km00:09:20

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .1 km00:01:45

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .1 km00:01:45

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .35 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .35 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .34 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .34 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .4 km00:07:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .4 km00:07:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .11 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .11 km00:06:00

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran 5.01 km00:26:34

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I ran 5.01 km00:26:34

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .12 km00:02:30

2 Week(s) Ago
Isaac George: I walked .12 km00:02:30

Previous year's donations
4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sarah Macaulay

Well done team, great effort for a very worthy cause… and we’ve enjoyed watching the mo growth

4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tiff Allen

Go team, you are awesome!

4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Phoebe Adams

The Adams family congratulates the UDIA WA Mo-Bros in their respective campaigns this year!!

4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gemma Osiejak

Well done gents!

4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Politix Australia

POLITIX wants to help you support Movember - so here's a little bit extra towards changing the face of men's health

4 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Vladimir Popov
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.