Men's Health Event
Men's Health EventImage by: Movember
Men's Health Event
26 May 2021

Movember Facilitated Workshops

1 minute read time

Can you deliver workshops that effectively connect with men?

Movember wants to build a facilitated workshop program aimed at normalising everyday challenges and encouraging attendees to be more open and equipped to deal with these challenges and adversity.

We’re on the hunt for a workshop delivery partner, to help shape and then facilitate workshops on behalf of Movember to corporate and community audiences in a range of settings. The workshop facilitation partner could be an individual or small group of experienced professionals, or an organisation that works in this space.

The benefits for the delivery partner will include funding to deliver workshops on Movember’s behalf, association with Movember’s brand and profile and the ability to supplement your existing portfolio with a workshop developed with men in mind.

If you think this could be a good fit for you, someone you know, or an organisation that you’ve worked with, click here for more of the exciting details.

Submissions can be made via email to by Friday 04 June.